The Glasgow IATEFL conference is now behind us, but it has proved very productive for ETp. Several of the people who came to my talk on how to get published in the magazine have contacted me to ask for more information and some have already submitted articles!

One of the sessions I attended at this year’s conference was a presentation by Nicholas Northall on disseminating articles from magazines like ETp to fellow teachers and trainees as part of a professional development programme. It was gratifying to see that practising teachers take the time to read the articles we publish, mine them for ideas which they can use in their own teaching and discuss them with their colleagues in the staffroom. Don’t forget that by signing up to this website, you have access to a large number of articles that have appeared in past issue of ETp. You could follow Nicholas Northall’s example and download and discuss articles that would be of interest to colleagues or trainees in your institution.

Several articles in the May issue have been inspired by things which have appeared previously in ETp. Our main feature, by Peter Viney, is a response to Peter Lyn’s review of John Gray’s book in Issue 75. As the co-author of Streamline, one of the coursebooks analysed by John Gray, Peter Viney is well placed to describe and explain the context of the time which informed the content and presentation of his book.


Rob Waring, who was cited in Peter Wells’ recent article about extensive reading – an article which has provoked quite a lot of comment – was moved to write back and challenge some of the ideas expressed in it. We always welcome feedback on articles that have appeared in the magazine.


This issue also sees the start of a new series – It really worked in practice! – in which readers are invited to say how they have used or adapted something they read in ETp in their own classes. We begin with a delightful photo novella magazine, produced by Nihal Çakmak’s students and inspired by an article by Gary Collins in ETp 64. Why not take a look and see if you can contribute something to this new series?